
7 Qualities to Look for in a Wedding Photographer

Hiring a great wedding photographer is one of the biggest tasks associated with wedding planning, but one of the most important. Capturing blissful memories to reflect upon years down the road doesn’t come easily with lackluster photographs. Don’t take this risk when the biggest day of your life is ahead. Instead, look for a wedding photographer with the following seven qualities, and rest assured you’ve found a photographer who’s just as excited about your big day, and those phenomenal memories, as you!

  1. Experience

Selecting a wedding photographer with a solid amount of experience provides an added peace of mind to a stressful (must highly anticipated and desired) event. A wedding photographer that’s established in the area has the tricks of the trade, the comfort of the camera, and the ability to make your event spectacular as it always should be. It is an important day in your life; maybe the most important day you will ever experience. Always hire an experienced wedding photographer, and avoid any potential disaster on this most cherished day in your life.

  1. Professional Portfolio

A Day of Bliss said, “Never hire a wedding photographer until you’ve browsed their portfolio.” The photography portfolio provides a sampling of the previous work of the professional so you can see their photography style firsthand. Some photographers place their portfolio on their website, while others reserve this viewing for consultations via a hard copy book. Whether you check the portfolio out online or in person, don’t forsake this step if quality is an expectation of your wedding photography.

  1. Versatility

Choosing a versatile photographer with capabilities of going with the flow is always important, especially during an event as big as a wedding ceremony. Unexpected changes will throw plans off for an unprepared photographer, but a good photographer knows how to handle changes and quickly adapts to the situation. A versatile photographer with plenty of creativity is sure to inspire your wedding to the fullest.

  1. Good References

A good wedding photographer has references they’ll happily provide you upon request. This isn’t the time to be shy, so don’t hesitate to ask for them. Call or email these references, learning their opinion of the photographer, and gaining an inclination of what you can expect should you hire that particular photographer. It won’t cost a thing to request and check references, but it will give you a better understanding of the wedding photographer and whether they’re right for your needs.

  1. Good Reputation

What’s the word around town? When a good wedding photographer is found, there’s usually plenty of word around town. Ask friends, co-workers, and even family members if there’s a local photographer whom they’ve heard great things about. Word-of-mouth is oftentimes a wonderful way to find the services that you need, including a great wedding photographer. As a bonus, inquiring of wedding photographers can help you get a great conversation going. Additionally, online reviews and testimonials help narrow the wedding photographer selection down, bringing needed information your way so that you can choose an outstanding photographer.

  1. Social

A socially-apt photographer will add life to the wedding party while capturing all the right photos. Whether it’s the actual wedding, the rehearsal, or the reception, a social wedding photographer is out there, on a mission to capture the essence of the moment with each snap of the camera. Always go the extra mile, finding a photographer who exhibits all the signs of a social butterfly, if you’re hopeful of the most phenomenal wedding photographs!

  1. Detail-Oriented

It’s the little things that matter the most when hiring a wedding photographer. Don’t think of yourself as being picky, but instead proficient in the selection of a professional who will exceed your expectations. A detail-oriented wedding photographer captures the moments that you want to remember, oftentimes revealing creative, thoughtful images you’d never imagined on your own.

Choosing a Great Wedding Photographer

Your wedding is a day to remember. Ensure that your big day is always remembered, with great photos that reflect each special moment. When hiring a wedding photographer, hire a professional who possesses these seven qualities, and you’ll hire a photographer who exceeds your expectations.